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Questions: Humane Leadership Power Tool


Doubt is the origin of wisdom


Doubting our own assumptions and thought patterns is a great place to start any pursuit of wise, humane leadership.

In all affairs, it’s a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.


Curiosity is the key to:

  • The scientific method
  • Insight
  • Refined thinking and behavior
  • Human connection

Continue reading Questions: Humane Leadership Power Tool

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Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.

JANE JACOBS, The Death and Life of Great American Cities

We learn, we grow, and we are inspired when we purposefully gather.

The Humane Leadership Institute is based in intentional, connective, edifying one-on-one conversation. From this living foundation we build a variety of events to gather people committed to developing their own and our collective humane leadership capabilities. Continue reading Events

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Basically, our organizations are groups of humans using a variety of tools and processes to produce something good in the world. We cannot escape that leaders are humans trying to help other humans in their pursuit of some goal.

We can try to augment, extend, and overcome our humanity, or we can seek to accept, enhance, leverage, and maybe even transcend our current conception of our humanity. Continue reading Humanity